Salam, hari tu saya ada buat review pasal avg 8.0. Tapi tu yang kena beli lesen.. Jadi disini saya letakkan sedikit review dan link untuk mendownloadnya sekali..
- Automatic update functionality
- The AVG Resident Shield, which provides real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run
- The AVG E-mail Scanner, which protects your e-mail
- The AVG On-Demand Scanner, which allows the user to perform scheduled and manual tests
- Free Virus Database Updates for the lifetime of the product
- AVG Virus Vault for safe handling of infected files
- Great customer satisfaction!
Download link: Avg 8.0 free edition
P/S: Review hari ni dalam bahasa english.. Harap faham k.. Review lama saya ada translate..
waaa bagus2 bro, my computer running this version of antivirus right now..:) mmg best..compatible ngan avast jugak,hehe
Bagus2x... Saya guna antivirus ni kat laptop.. Kat desktop guna avira je
avg 8.8 nie berat tak?
Avg ni kira ringan juga la.. berbanding dengan anti virus lain.. macam kaspersky, norton.. Ok je.. test la pun tgh donlot gak ni..nk guna gak
download jangan tak download.. Benda free nih
gamemaster! Avg 8.0 Free Edition nie percubaan je ke? ade tempoh guna? pas tamat tempoh percubaan nnt suruh beli pulak installer nye?? ke mcm mana?